
Published on:

24th Dec 2024

249. Meet Your Most Regulated, Authentic, & Connected Self in 2025 with Erin Doppelt

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What happens when you prioritize your nervous system, secure your basic needs, deepen your relationships, and embrace your truest self? You glow.

In this episode, Erin Doppelt, Author of Nothing Can Stop You, joins us to explore the art of self-soothing, building fulfilling relationships, and manifesting love while staying rooted in authenticity. Learn practical tools for nervous system regulation, the basics of self-care, and how to show up as the you-est version of you in life and love in 2025.

What you'll soak up in this episode...

  • How to regulate your nervous system like a boss
  • The #1 way to relax your nervous system fast
  • Securing your basic needs so you can feel safe and thrive
  • Embracing close relationships and fostering more connection
  • How to call in your highest romantic partner and manifest lasting love
  • Living more authentically and becoming the you-est version of you

Your most aligned year starts here.

In the extended version of this episode, exclusively on our Patreon, we chat about exploring your big beliefs and our favorite organic clothing brands!

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Perks & Resources:

Erin's Website: erinracheldoppelt.com

Connect with Erin: @erinrdoppelt

Tuscany Retreat Details: erinracheldoppelt.com/nourish-tuscany

Read Nothing Can Stop You: https://amzn.to/41GzjXA

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Connect with Lynnsey & Kelsey on Social: @lynnseyrobinson @kelseyaida

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7:07 - Kelsey Aida

Hello, hello. Hi, Vibinit homies. Welcome back to another epic episode of One of Your Favorite Podcasts. High Vibin' it. We are here with a new friend. Hold on, Kelsey. Your whispering didn't come through because your mic has like...

7:25 - Lynnsey Robinson

Oh, man. Okay, I'll do it again.

7:28 - Multiple Speakers

I was trying to say One of Your Favorite Podcasts.

7:33 - Kelsey Aida

We have a new friend today that is going to be sharing her wisdom. She's a teacher. She's a coach. She's an author of the amazing book. Nothing Can Stop You, which I've already dove into a little bit. It's amazing. It offers readers a plan to wake up to the many possibilities that life represents and offers the steps to find them. So it's very spiritual, but also very practical, which I love. She's also the host of the Wise Woman podcast. So another podcast host on here to bring some wisdom to you guys today. And yeah, we just can't say enough good things about her so far, even though we've only known her for a few minutes.

8:13 - Erin Doppelt

So yeah, welcome to the show, Erin. Thanks for being here.

8:16 - Kelsey Aida

Thanks for having me. It's so fun. Yes. We're excited.

8:19 - Multiple Speakers

We're very excited to dive into all these topics in the book and just learn more about you as a person.

8:26 - Lynnsey Robinson

So let's start there. How did you get into this space? What kind of led you on this path to self-improvement? And self-discovery and all the things you do.

8:35 - Erin Doppelt

And what a path, right? I mean, I think at the course, so many of us are naturally curious and love to learn. And if you live a life where you love to learn, you're always going to be hungry. You're always going to be well-fed. You're always going to be nourished. And wow, I was a spiritual child, like a deeply spiritual child. I think like so many of us, and it's not necessarily nurtured in our modern school system, our modern day human experience. And I went to college, I went to undergrad, I was a sorority girl. And during that time, it was like you dress business casual and you go to the bar and you binge drink.

9:15 - Kelsey Aida

And that was just like the cycle, right?

9:18 - Erin Doppelt

And I got a corporate job after undergrad and every night and first thing in the morning, I would hear this whisper and it was this deep communication that how I was living was not what we agreed to. It wasn't the agreement my soul had when it came to this earth this time around. And I say this often, but it's essential to be repeated. This can look like depression. This can look like anxiety. This can look like a mental breakdown. This can look like an eating disorder. This can look like a heightened emotional state. Which is some part of you trying to, typically your most authentic self, trying to express that however you are showing up day in and day out wasn't the original agreement. Of course, that can shift over time or you can ignore the whisper over time. However, I like to talk about the highest possible timeline, which is your most authentic nourishing life. That's what my book, Nothing Can Stop You, A Revolutionary Guide to Unleash Your Authentic Self is really about and for me that looked like booking a one-way plane ticket to Israel and I learned to live off the land and I studied with shaman in the Israeli desert and I dated diverse people and I learned how to spend significant amount of time alone which at the time was necessary I don't believe that right now I think it's important like we're a species that needs to be in partnership with others we're supposed to be in a pack we're supposed to be in a village However, small moments where you are connecting to yourself and you are accounting of the soul, like you are really checking into who you are at your core, can be necessary on this stage of self-development. And then ultimately I moved to India and I worked in the slums of Mumbai and I lived in silence, I accidentally joined a cult, I dated. I was very immersed in Indian culture and I was dating a really sweet guy who was also a news anchor on a local station, like a sports station. I just bring that up because it was, we were like in the Bollywood scene loosely. And that ultimately brought me back to the States and I got my master's in clinical psychology and education at Columbia, but I continue traveling. So even like what we were talking about, you asked me where I live and I'm completely nomadic right now. And my daughter turned one the other day, and yeah, we are traveling right now. I'm in Chicago. When this episode goes live, I'll be in Mexico. We just signed a three-month lease in Costa Rica. I have a retreat in Tuscany in May, so we're gonna hang out in Europe for a lot of the summer. We love Austin. A lot of our life is in Austin, and something my husband John and I talk about is how our life exists in multiple places, and it exists, like, full-on. Like, we have a full life going on in Tel Aviv. A full life in Austin, a full life in Chicago, a full life in Nosara, Costa Rica. So it's so fun to kind of bop around. And a big thing for me is eating like beautiful, amazing food and being excited about food because you have to eat three times a day. And everything I share with the world is rooted in Eastern ritual and Western psychology. And I'm constantly reading and listening and evolving and praying and manifesting. So I always drop in and share that with my community as well.

12:43 - Kelsey Aida

What a fun way to live. Also, what advice do you have for people who are like, it's so hard to travel with a baby because you like literally live traveling with a newborn?

12:54 - Erin Doppelt

Yeah, my daughter's already flown like 20 something times. Breastfeeding, you just put the baby on the boob. It is the comfort. It is the nourishment. It actually has me thinking about how we like nurse ourselves into peace and how we nurse ourselves back to health. And for my daughter, Eden, she's on the boob. She's instantly calm. I'm instantly calm. Serotonin and dopamine is being released in my body. I'm passing antibodies to her based on her saliva that I received in our last feeding. So I know intuitively her wellness. And then I think about how we try to nurse ourselves back to calm or comfort. And we scroll on social media or we drink a a wine or we are promiscuous or we go shopping and that's why I'm so passionate about teaching meditation and science of happiness because there has to be healthier ways to nurse ourselves back to health. The first thing you do when you come into this world is you go to the nipple. So we are programmed to have this oral fixation, this like way to self-soothe and we don't know how to replicate it in our modern day world because we're not going to just be nursing at like 30, 40 years old. I mean, it's not realistic.

14:08 - Lynnsey Robinson

So what are we using to pacify?

14:10 - Erin Doppelt

I am not nursing my kid at 40 years old.

14:13 - Unidentified Speaker


14:13 - Multiple Speakers

No way. But I do second that 100%. All of the good plane rides I've ever had with my kids, well, when I was nursing, yes, is 100% effective every time.

14:23 - Lynnsey Robinson

Of course, if you can't nurse or if you're not nursing, there's always pacifiers and like other things you can do, feed them. Something else. But yes, hundred percent. It's never failed. And it always is. It always works. Anytime they're scared or upset or can't sleep, put them on the boob.

14:40 - Erin Doppelt

It works. It works, guys. Oh, yeah.

14:43 - Lynnsey Robinson

Thank you for that one. Can I ask a question as a huge I don't know what the word is. I love to know that there is a place somewhere that I can go to, like, retreat to to, I guess, go back into myself if I feel overstimulated. As someone who does travel a lot, especially with your family and what I would maybe assume close quarters a lot of the time with all this, the plane rides and the you know, whatever. Is that something that you struggle with? Like, do you have a place having a full life and all these different places? Is there somewhere that you can go? I know what you're gonna say already as I finish the sentence, but why don't you tell the people like, what do you do to kind of retreat back into yourself and reconnect to that space of like, this is my home.

15:30 - Erin Doppelt

The thing that I think is so important is I'm totally, I'm a different version of myself since becoming a mom. And that needing space, like I thrived in my own energy. However, I am, my husband and I are deeply codependent on each other. I think healthy codependency is, I think it's important in a monogamous relationship. Since I became a mom, though, I crave closeness to my daughter. I'm calm in her presence. I crave closeness to my husband. I'm calm in his presence. We all kind of co-regulate and heal each other. However, I will say I used to have this devoted morning sadhana, a devoted morning sacred practice, where I would practice up-level meditation, which is a specific active meditation sequence that I educate on. It's actually, it's specifically geared for people with ADD, ADHD, anxiety, depression, compulsive, sometimes negative thought patterns. But it's this idea of opening up your shoulders, opening up your hips, increasing your breath work, and inviting yourself to come back into a healthy headspace. And now instead, I do a gentle body scan or something of that nature, a silent seated practice while breastfeeding my daughter first thing in the morning. We go on a lot of wherever we are in the world whether it's the beach or here in the Midwest regardless of kind of the temperature outside and a deep prayer practice so always coming back to my connection to a higher power as I understand it and being like pure in that connection or naked in that connection because I think when you go through motherhood or you go through our current political climate and our human experience, it's we're living during a time where that connection to a higher power, however you want to define it, your deceased relatives, Mother Nature, Mama Gaia, Hashem, like Jesus, Vishnu, Allah, like whatever you need it to be, call on that connection. Because that's where the alignment lies. That's where like the fruit is. That's where the bliss is. So almost as if walking myself back to Eden. Which is my daughter's name. I was like, that's cute.

17:50 - Kelsey Aida

I like that. Okay.

17:51 - Lynnsey Robinson

I kind of figured before I finished the question, you were going to be like, well, myself, that's how it should be. Of course it is. That's how it should be. You come back home to yourself and you regulate that way. Yeah. I don't know. I'll get there. I'm sure eventually. I don't know, man.

18:07 - Kelsey Aida

My house is full of dudes.

18:09 - Lynnsey Robinson

I got a husband and three boys and they're like, one of them is almost 13. So I need Oh my God, you're amazing.

18:16 - Unidentified Speaker


18:16 - Multiple Speakers

So that's going to look different for every single person. It's definitely going to look different. Yeah. But I like that.

18:23 - Lynnsey Robinson

And I like your answer because I know that there's so many people who maybe would like shove the idea of having a nomadic lifestyle away because they feel like they need X, Y, Z. And I think the beauty of what you do is you're so eager to be like, but it can look like however you want it to. So what's really stopping you, which I think is important?

18:44 - Multiple Speakers

The first seven months of Eden's life, we were in our house in Austin. So it was very grounded, as grounded as it can be with a newborn.

18:53 - Erin Doppelt

And I found that to be the most chaotic, crazy, insane time where we all lie to each other. And it's insane. I was so unwell. I'm very open about that. I think it's so important to be honest about postpartum for a first-time mom. And then I remember who I was. Like I've been nomadic for almost like a large portion of my 20s. I love traveling. I also think there's like different hacks out there. So like if you're in the Midwest, you have to, especially right now, like getting out in nature, the leaves are changed or changing. You have to put your feet in the earth. If you're on the ocean, if you're anywhere near a coast, water is specifically programmed to be a portal. There's minerals within it that is going to just relax your nervous system in an instant. So when we're in Costa Rica and we're going into the ocean three times a day, you're having different thoughts. You're having different types of conversations. This is so true for my book. When I started, it's a two and a half year process, but I wrote the book in two and a half months. I went traditional publishing. It's a long process, which I respect because it's still the same as it was a hundred years ago. And there's very few industries like that. So I have a lot of I have a lot of respect for traditional publishing. And I wrote the book when my husband and I just moved to Austin, we were like bopping around, we were having different types of conversations, and those conversations were infused in the book. And then I got pregnant during that editing phase, and my second chakra was filled, the womb, the svarasthana chakra, so passion, desire, lust, the cradle of creativity, that good idea, that moment of inspiration. So it's edited with almost like a different version or genius or intelligence of myself infused in it. So honoring who you are in these different parts of the world, of course wherever you go there you are. If you have anxiety it's going to show up in different ways no matter where you are until you get to the root of it. That's a lot of my pathway is like working with anxiety and welcoming it, not pushing it away. So common for all of us. Being nomadic is not like My best girlfriend misses her spice cabinet. I travel with cumin. You get to decide how you work with it. But I will say we travel to places I already know. I know Costa Rica quite well. I used to bring all my clients there. I still do. I know Florence, Italy, and Tuscany quite well. It's my first time bringing clients there, though. I know we just got back from LA. I had a big speaking engagement in LA. I have half my family there. I know LA quite well. We lived there during COVID. But like certain things, like I'm not going to brand new places right now. I'm going to where my life kind of exists outside of Chicago and Austin.

21:40 - Lynnsey Robinson

Makes sense.

21:40 - Kelsey Aida

I feel like this conversation psychically is like wanting to be about soothing and self-soothing, which I feel like is in your wheelhouse a lot. And I'm curious if we could start heading that way as far as, because I feel like there's different ways to soothe, right? There's like the self-soothing and then there's like the communal soothing and you spoke of both. So maybe could we start with self and then go into like with other people some ways or ways to think of it or ways to do it in a time where I think a lot of people are getting very triggered and they're not feeling relaxed, they're not feeling soothed, they're not feeling regulated, like please help.

22:24 - Erin Doppelt

So when it comes to relaxing the nervous system, the number one thing to do is to oxygenize the body. How do we oxygenize the body? We can move into a practice like the yogic breath, which is inhale through the nose, lower belly expands. Inhale through the nose, upper chest expands. Exhale through the mouth, let it go.

22:50 - Erin Doppelt

. Yeah, I think we learned in:

28:03 - Kelsey Aida

That's important that you said that right now and timely because of the whole election thing. I was seeing some crazy stuff. There was this trend on social media of these … I mean, granted, they're very young women, most of them, but they were like, yeah, if our partner didn't vote the same way as us, we're leaving them. That means that they don't love me, they don't support me, blah, blah, all this stuff. I was just like, whoa, whoa, like what happened to connecting to people's pure positive intentions? Because at the end of the day, most of us do want and value the same human core things, but we perceive the world in different ways. So we think like, this route might be better, this person might be better, this candidate might be better, right, based on so many things, your programming, your beliefs, where you live, if you're in the city, if you're not in the city, if you're in a red state, if you're in a blue state, you know, so I was just like, whoa, whoa, like what happened to meeting of minds or like even trying to understand like why someone would vote differently from you. And that was like upsetting me because I was just like, man, these young people out here are just like so quick to cancel even their like significant other, not even just a friend, not even like a parent that they don't live with anymore, like like their person that they say they want to be with for the rest of their life. So I was just like, whoa. I've been in a state of shock.

29:23 - Erin Doppelt

It's quite shocking. Yeah. It's quite shocking. And it comes from you. So to come back to your original question, what can we do to kind of walk ourselves back home? What can we do to regulate the nervous system? And I do think it's important to ask ourselves bigger questions. I do think curiosity is incredibly healthy. Remember, curiosity is not always encouraged. It is sometimes synonymous miss to spirituality. Be curious, continue love of learning. You'll have like a juicy life for the rest of your life. And then you like so we can co regulate, we can regulate ourselves through breath through meditation, through connecting to nature through honoring our basic needs. This is the first chakra, the Muladhara chakra, which sits at the base of the tailbone. And this is safety, security, comfort, food, shelter, your basic needs that must be and in our Western world, I would probably put under there like Wi-Fi, access to a phone, a way to communicate. Like these little things have kind of become big things and essential for us to feel safe. And also this is Maslow's hierarchy. So Maslow came into this world to talk about our basic needs, our pyramid of needs. And this is the first chakra is the base. So am Am I safe in my tribe to express myself authentically? And there's actually a really interesting study on this. Majority of people will choose belonging over authenticity.

30:56 - Kelsey Aida

And right there is kind of the kicker, right?

30:59 - Erin Doppelt

Because we are always going to choose belonging and connection because that's what's going to keep us safe if we're attacked by a pack of wolves at night over our authentic self, our authentic So then, I do heavily encourage to go out of your own way to foster meaningful relationships with like-minded people. And you can do this, we live in a world where that's actually much easier, even though we think we're so separate. But join a conference, go on a retreat, join a program, like sign up for a yoga teacher training, sign up for, like join a young Democrat, a young Republican, or whatever floats your boat. Conference or meetup or something in that trajectory. But you have to go out of your own way to find people that kind of sing a similar song. Yes. Amen to that.

31:51 - Kelsey Aida

You got to have your people and then also the people that you already love. Curiosity helps so you don't lose your mind and get triggered and feel like they're against you in moments like the election or whatever. But what else was I going to say? I was just going to go back to that real quick. When I was in my twenties, I learned that we can resource different people for different things. And that really set me free of like, I need this friend to be exactly the same as me on everything. I need my boyfriend to be my therapist and my cheerleader and someone who wants to go shopping with me. So I was like, okay, I have these friends for these things, right? I have these friends for these things. I have these connections help me to feel this way. These connections help me to feel this way. And now I feel like it's so easy for me to connect with such a diverse of people just straight to their heart and I connect with them where I connect with them and where I don't I just like love them for that difference you know so it's like some people I connect with them on like for example I had like some neighbors I met in Columbus Ohio that they weren't like super deep or super spiritual but they were such fun girlies who just wanted to do like cute girly things and I was like girls me too like let's go to the pumpkin patch like let's decorate these pumpkins like let's be cutesy let's hang out by the pool you know and some would say oh it's to just serve as like of a relationship, no. We were connecting on the girliest vibes and we just loved each other for that. And it was very simple and beautiful, right? So not every friend has to be your most spiritual conspiracy theory friend who's like with you on every level. It's just like, I don't wanna say using people in a bad way, but using them in a healthy way, like resourcing them in the way that they love to nourish you, like be nourished by that and find those connections

33:30 - Erin Doppelt

there. Well, and no one can wear all the hats.

33:33 - Unidentified Speaker


33:33 - Lynnsey Robinson

So I think it's an understanding and it's an agreement that each person in your life that you pick can bring out a different or rather, uh, nurture a different side of you just as you do for them as well. So it's a, it's a little bit of symbiosis, but I, I totally resonated with Aaron when you said some of your best friends don't really know or understand what you do for a living. Same like from high school. Like I moved back to Michigan after living in LA and learning all my speech things and came back here to raise my kids because it's so cute and quaint and like a small town, whatever. And yeah, I realized, hanging out with my high school friends again, I was like, I love you so much. You don't have any idea what I do. You don't have any idea like, and I would never like want to dive into that with them because it's just such a different vibe. Like I want to go eat out with them. I want to go talk about like, yeah, as Kelsey said, like girly things are like, you know, the things that I liked when I was younger, I love that we still talk about that stuff. And like, then I have Kelsey who completely gets my spiritual side and likes to dive deeper and things like that. But yeah, I think it's natural that you have different people in your life that will nurture those different facets of you and help you honor all of them with the community that you choose to have around you. It's very important. Otherwise, you're just talking to the same person over and over, which is so boring and talking to that part of yourself over and over, which can also get a little boring.

35:04 - Unidentified Speaker


35:04 - Kelsey Aida


35:05 - Erin Doppelt

And I think it's also essential to add when it comes to, like, let's say you're on the, like, you're listening to this and you're kind of on the path right now and you have these different pockets and also you're dating and it changes a little bit when we're talking about calling in your highest romantic partner and the way that I like to ground this because it's, You want both, right? You desire a romantic partner that can kind of hold the cutesy and the past version of you, which I like to call like the inner child, and also the person that you are becoming and will be, which is like the archetypal wise woman. So when it comes to dating and manifesting and calling in your highest romantic partner, it's the person that your inner child would feel safe with and also your divine feminine, your archetypal wise woman wants to continue exploring with. So it's kind of holding those both areas. Great. Kelsey, are you grading Jeffrey right now?

36:04 - Kelsey Aida

Because I'm grading my husband.

36:06 - Lynnsey Robinson

I think he does pretty well.

36:08 - Multiple Speakers

I'm just like celebrating him because I'm like, oh, it sounds just like my Jeffrey. That's why I love him.

36:15 - Kelsey Aida

Yeah. Here's to our dudes. Cheers to you guys. You're awesome. But yeah, I think that's a great little additive at the end. For the relationship.

36:24 - Multiple Speakers

That's a good measurement.

36:25 - Kelsey Aida

Yeah, because the romantic partnership, I think, like I was saying when I was young, I felt like, oh, this friend has to be my everything, or my mom has to be my everything, or my partner, especially. You fall into that trap of like, I want them to be my everything, right? If we can't do everything together and they don't get me on every single level, like, you're out. And it's like, yeah, I'm not going to ask my husband to come to the mall with me, probably, because he doesn't really like it. And that's cool. I have girlfriends for that, you know? I'm not gonna like, I don't know, ask him for certain things because I just know like this. I'm like, that's cool. You're a man. I'm a woman. We have a lot of differences. But yeah, I really like that you added that. So as far as soothing safety regulation, we've got breathing. We've got coming back to the basics. We've got relationships. Anything else that you feel like we haven't covered yet that's worth mentioning is like a a bigger piece to the regulation puzzle?

37:22 - Erin Doppelt

If you are in a situation where you are choosing belonging over authenticity, that's okay. It's what we do. And go out of your own way to find groups where you are focusing on that authenticity, where you are expressing yourself authentically. And I do think we like are hard on social media all the time. But something that I found in my that when I started sharing meaningful quotes or spiritual quotes that resonated with me or recipes that I thought were delicious and wholesome and healthful and nourishing or stories of my travels or my life, like the things that are written in my book, I paid attention to who was resonating with it. So just almost allowing yourself being seen on a social media platform, if that feels safe for you, and then seeing who resonates and who reaches out, those are people early on in my spiritual development or on my spiritual path, those were also the relationships that I nurtured where I felt like I could show up and be my authentic self or a way shower, a teacher, a guide, a friend. So that's another pathway that can be nourishing as well.

38:34 - Lynnsey Robinson

Just a little anecdote or a little, is that the word? Not antidote, but anecdote, right? When I was younger, I think a lot of us through this I know I'm not the only one where you feel like it's kind of unsafe to show what you really love or something that's so close to your heart because what if somebody shits all over it and then now it means something about you for some reason it's a trap we fall into a lot in our youth but I will say as I as I get older as I got older and really started betting on myself in a way that's like I want to do this I would be so sad if I didn't let myself open this door or if I didn't explore all there was about this thing that I'm really passionate about. And by doing that, I kind of have to show up authentically and surprise everyone. This is me. But I do have to say when it happens, when you allow yourself to do that, even if you just do what Aaron said and start out just finding people that resonate with you and it's OK, it's like a safe space to do that. It's a little addictive once you realize, oh, I'm not a weirdo. I'm actually someone can help. I'm actually someone that can offer something to the world in a beautiful way. You kind of just want to do it more. And you kind of want to be a little more unapologetic about it. And so it's a really cool thing. And I don't know if it just sink synced up well with my age or with my experiences or both or all but it's something that I don't think it's a work in progress always, but I think I don't think it's something I can ever go back on. And it's something that I just want to keep doing because It just feels good. And once you allow yourself to feel that for the first time, I dare you to not try to do it more because it just feels really nice.

40:17 - Erin Doppelt

Lindsay, I love that. That's a little advice.

40:19 - Multiple Speakers

It's not scary every time.

40:20 - Erin Doppelt

You will find a reason to do it and it will feel good in my experience. Yes. Becoming the you-est version of you. It's a great high, right? Or to be seen and valued for who you truly are at your core.

40:33 - Multiple Speakers

It's kind of the greatest high.

40:34 - Erin Doppelt

So absolutely. Like me for me? Cool. So great. Yeah. Yeah.

40:39 - Kelsey Aida

It's definitely exhausting to not be moving in that direction. And like, I'm learning this from experience. So for me, I've been a hairstylist for over a decade. That was like my chosen craft that I went into when I couldn't become a professional dancer. And alongside that, I've always been teaching what I'm learning, helping people online, writing books. And so I have like these two worlds where in my spiritual world, I can be like as weird and as wild as free. And in my hair world, like that is me. I'm an artist. I love working with my hands and connecting with people and holding space for them. But at the same time, it's like, I'm not just going up to all my hair clients like, you want to talk about dead people? You want to talk about spirituality? Do you want a reading? Do you want to know what's in your Akashic records? Like, it's it's that interesting, like, in this part of my world, this part of me is more front-facing. In this part of my world, this part of me is more front-facing and I'm still trying to mend and mold my life and shape it in a way and just connect with the right people where I can be all of me.

41:46 - Lynnsey Robinson

So I'm definitely on that journey with a lot of the listeners as well.

41:51 - Erin Doppelt

Kelsey, that's awesome. And I'll share with you my own personal practice because I feel this. I'm in Chicago right now. When we're in Chicago, we stay at my parents' house. It feels so good. My inner child is like, I just get to hang out with my mom and go for the walks that I went on when I was a kid. And we live by a park and it's so cozy. And I run into the neighbors and we talk about the weather, nothing that transformational. And God, it's just, it feels so good. And I always have to leave. I always have It always has like kind of reaches its point, but I'll share with you what works for me because that's like when I'm in Austin, I am Erin Rachel Doppelt, spiritual psychology and meditation teacher, bestselling author. Like it's just like different personas that we come into. And I got tired of that. Like who am I today? I'm also a Gemini and there's a little bit of a chameleon effect. I do think the chameleon effect is big for actually like so many, because we choose the longing over authenticity. So a lot of us can chameleon. I think it's actually a really positive trait. It's how we survive, right? Is it safe? Am I gonna get burned at the stake for being a witch? Things like this to meditate on. And so what I do is before I walk into the door or even like when I wake up in the morning and before I come into the kitchen to greet my family or if I'm speaking and meeting new people or on retreat, whatever, on a podcast, like whatever the world is that I'm embracing, and say, I am the light. I am the light. How would the light express herself today? And I typically just, you come from your loving, you come well-fed, I'm not talking food, but like you come well-fed physically, emotionally, spiritually, like in every aspect of your life. You glow so hard that the person person opposite you, it's as if like they have to put on sunglasses just to embrace it, right? So if I feel this good and if I'm coming in with such a good space with love, with intention, with goodness, because I want that for myself. That's how I want people to greet me. Then I can just trust that I'm going to show up as my most authentic self. So I am the love. I am the I'm going to just bestow that on whoever I am opposite and then parking spots appear. Emails with like amazing opportunities appear. DMs on social media appear. Connecting with like-minded women that feel so good to be around appear. Healthy intimacy with your romantic partner. A good microbiome for yourself and for your family. It's just it has such a huge ripple effect and just trust that whatever comes through when you are embodying the goodness, the love, the light, the authenticity, that's what's going to shine.

44:51 - Kelsey Aida

Guys, what a good, simple intention for every day. We like to overcomplicate things.

44:56 - Lynnsey Robinson

I love to overcomplicate things. Don't drag me into your overcomplicating. No.

45:00 - Kelsey Aida

I say we as people.

45:01 - Lynnsey Robinson

Kelsey is not included in the people, but we as people tend to overcomplicate things. And I'm like master class. But I wake up every morning and I'm like, okay, what should I do? What should I intend for? How should I? Dude, just be the light. And it's so easy. Like we are naturally anyway. But when you're waking up and like acknowledging, it's almost not even like an intention. It's like a remembering. It's like, oh yeah, I am the light. It's cool.

45:31 - Erin Doppelt

We're good. In Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism, there is the word neshama and it translates into like the soul's light. So when you're going out into the world, It's as if you are greeting people with your most authentic soul, right? So when you're saying like, I embrace you, like nishamashali, like great light of mine, great soul of mine, or like in connection to my light, I greet you. So it's a deeper way of kind of just remembering that we are souls bopping around in a human meat suit, and I'm just going to embrace you with what I agreed with God, with a higher power as to why

46:07 - Unidentified Speaker

I am here this time around. So I'm going to greet you as like a pure soul.

46:13 - Kelsey Aida

I am the light. I gave me goosebumps when you said it.

46:18 - Lynnsey Robinson

That's so good. Yeah. Kelsey's really big on the like, don't forget we're all connected.

46:23 - Erin Doppelt

We're all a drop in the ocean and we need to remember that.

46:27 - Lynnsey Robinson

You are me. I am you.

46:30 - Erin Doppelt

Yeah. My friend Kathy Heller talks about how like you're not just someone. You're some of the one.

46:36 - Kelsey Aida

And it reminds us of our unity. I like that. Yeah, it's powerful.

46:39 - Lynnsey Robinson

So good. I feel like this is a good time to segue into the Patreon.

46:44 - Kelsey Aida

Just keep the party going over there. For anyone who's not in our Patreon, it's basically where we give you extended video versions of every episode. We do hangouts in there quarterly now. We're about to beef it up with some more bonuses and stuff. And it's just like our little community space on the internet besides here where we can actually We can actually comment and interact with each other and we don't have to just talk at you guys. We can actually have a conversation with you guys. So join us over there. The link is always in the show notes. But before we sign off, Erin, please just let everyone know where they can purchase your book. Obviously, I'm going to link to it in the show notes, how they can connect with you, work with you, come on your retreat.

47:24 - Erin Doppelt

Yay. Thank you. Yeah, I am Erin Rachel Doppelt. My book is Nothing Can Stop You, A Revolutionary Guide to Unleash Your Authentic Self. Everywhere books are sold. It has been on sale on Amazon so definitely go check that out. May it serve you. I do have a six-month program that when this episode comes out it will be out into the world. It's called Nourish Tuscany. It's a six-month group coaching program with me and some of my incredible friends that educate on psychology and spirituality and then we meet for five days in Gordon delicious, amazing Tuscany, Italy in May. I'm so excited about it. When I was early on postpartum, all I could think about was just like eating pizza and pasta in Italy. So I'm excited to bring you all there. And I'm best known for the Align Coaching Certification where you become a certified meditation teacher and spiritual psychology coach. It is a life giving, transformational, all encompassing nine month program. It is we've ran it many, many times. It is, it's wow, it's incredibly wow. So definitely head to my website, ErinRachelDoppelt.com and then hang out with me on Instagram at Erin R. Doppelt, E-R-I-N-R, D-O-P-P-E-L-T. And just DM me, let me know that you heard this episode. Let me know what resonates with you. It's me in my DMs. So I'll say, hey, and we can connect in real life because I agree. It's so, it's not just talking at you. It's, I want to dive deep. I want to have these conversations. Yeah, it's so, so essential. Thank you.

48:57 - Kelsey Aida

Thanks for being here, sharing your light, sharing your wisdom, sharing your time, your energy. Just, I think this was so helpful for so many people and very timely as the episodes always are. So as you go into your Christmas dinner in a few days, if you celebrate Christmas or whatever family stuff you'll be doing at the end of the year, keep this in mind. So maybe you don't have to us worked up or us triggered and just love people on their soul level and everything's going to be great. So thanks, Aaron. Well, we'll see you over on the Patreon. Lindsay, any announcements before we head over there?

49:34 - Lynnsey Robinson

Just want to remind everybody, all listeners of High Vibin' It get 10% off inside my membership, which I was going to say, but I didn't. Thank you for the invitation to speak because I just today, before we started recording this podcast, recorded an audio for the membership called Reclaiming Your Inner Peace. And it'll be up there. I swear to God, it'll be up there later today. So if anybody wants to join and well, actually today, it'll already be in there by the time this airs, but go join it. Go get it. Go get your piece back and listen to this podcast. Join Aaron. I'm definitely so excited to finish reading the book and yeah, get all the goodness reclaim your piece people. We need it now more than ever and go touch some grass. Okay. That's it. The end.

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High Vibin’ It
Manifest Your Highest Timeline
High Vibin' It is your go-to podcast to align with your desires, manifest your highest timeline, and love yourself through the process—making spirituality, confidence, and your dream life totally doable, fun, and real this time.

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Hosted by Lynnsey Robinson, a Certified Hypnotherapist, and Kelsey Aida, a Bestselling Author and Energetic Alignment Expert, High Vibin' It is designed to help you break through your limiting beliefs, reprogram your mind for success, and tap into your highest potential. Whether you feel stuck in your current reality or ready to take your personal growth to the next level, this podcast gives you the practical tools, spiritual wisdom, and empowering energy you need to transform your life from the inside out.

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Kelsey Aida - @kelseyaida

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